
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Learn Spanish Online with Rocket Spanish #rocketlanguages #Giveaway

Rocket Spanish Premium

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About the Program
Interactive Audio Lessons; Rocket Spanish has over 60 hours of audio-style lessons. Each lesson has an audio track along with a variety of reinforcement tests. They are designed so you can learn during your commute to work, or anytime that you are on the go.

Language & Culture Lessons: Rocket Spanish has over 60 hours of Language & Culture lessons, you will not only discover the mechanics of the language, but also access audio tracks of 1000's of common words and phrases. A key fact that has been surprisingly often 'overlooked' by some other 'big name' companies is that you MUST know the mechanics of how Spanish works for you to truly master it.

Reinforcement Testing: Each lesson in Rocket Spanish has a variety of tests, and each test has a scientific algorithm designed to reinforce and enhance your recall in a different way. What's more this all ties into your own personalized progress tracking system, keeping you on the path to mastery!

Voice Comparison: Rocket Record, our voice comparison tool, lets you to record yourself saying any of the thousands of words and phrases in every course. You'll gain the benefit of speaking out loud, and be able to improve your pronunciation and accent.

Also you get access to;
  1. Advanced Learning Technique articles that will give you cutting edge learning techniques; tips and tricks that will dramatically cut the amount of time you need to study. 
  2. You'll have unlimited 24/7 lifetime online access to our team of language teachers, native speakers and fellow language enthusiasts. They will answer all your language questions and be with you every step of the way. 
  3. Personalized progress tracking to our points and badges system, all of our courses have been designed to include a whole range of activities and features that will keep you engaged, motivated, and on track.

Other features;
  • Rocket Spanish works on PC, Mac, and comes with free Android and iOS apps. So you can learn anywhere, anytime.
  • You get lifetime online access to Rocket Spanish, as well as free product updates for life.
  • And, finally, we have a 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

My Take on the Program
I started to learn Spanish over 20 years ago and over the years have somewhat become rusty in my skills due to lack of use. That being said I was excited to be able to dust off my skills and start learning again. This online program was great because you had the ability to simply focus in on both hearing and speaking the language. The key to this program is speaking out loud. I loved the short length of each lesson and the fact that you were able to do as few or as many lessons as you felt comfortable with. One other powerful component to this program was the assessment instrument that are provided. You are able to speak out loud with your microphone and work on making your voice match what you are hearing with the native speaker. These are just some of the great features that are available that have been set up to help you master the language. Rocket Languages has so many other languages to choose from too, so you can push yourself to keep learning, no matter what your end goal is!


Rocket Spanish Premium Giveaway

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