
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Is it Time for Santa to Carry a SmartPhone to Help Today’s Kids? #dadchat

Portable North Pole

Just a quick note to let you how the Christmas season is shaping up here at the North Pole. In between making lists and keeping after the Elves I like to check in on boys and girls the world over to see how good they’ve been. It’s what I do and have always done, but why you ask do I exist even in this modern age?

Year after year, everywhere I go I see things that aren’t in the Christmas spirit at all. Life is hard for some kids, but if I do my job right for a few hours on Christmas morning they’re transported far, far away from all that. The hopes and wishes from good little girls and boys for Santa to come through for them ring in my ears like a billion silver bells. As I fly overhead on Christmas Eve they shine below me like a billion stars dreamed down from the sky. On my rounds I visit every twinkling, chiming place; and leave a beaming smile in my wake. I hear them too, oh yes! Sometimes after the last package is delivered the boys and I take the long way home, just coasting along as the sun comes up on a chorus of laughter...the distant, grateful voice of a child whispering “Thank you, Santa.”

364 days a year, from year to year, from my workshop at the North Pole I see life on the outside changing for kids. Everyone’s got phones now, and even during the Holidays sometimes it’s hard to hear my songs playing amid the latest pop craze or internet volume. My youngest Elves, I honestly don’t know what they’re talking about sometimes! Just last June the missus and I came home from vacation to find they had scrapped my old SYWYS 1000 system (the ‘Sees You When You’re Sleeping’ technology I’ve used for centuries), installed cameras everywhere, and built a huge new computer server room in Mrs. Claus’ pantry. She about had a fit! But if I know my Elves I know there must have been a good intention in there somewhere, so I asked the ringleader (a new kid who insists we call him MineCraftHead) to show me what it could do.

Now Santa is what they call old school. I’ve always kept my records in books: one book per child. These Elves though...they said my books were old-fashioned; that I had to get with the times in today’s competitive business climate. MineCraftHead (I still can’t get used to calling him that) showed me how the new system –the SANTA System (for ‘Sweetness and Naughtiness Tabulation Automator’) – could permit me both to check in on any child on Earth at any moment and keep an eye on the doings at the Workshop on my phone. Yes, they insisted Santa carry a smartphone.

Portable North Pole

...and so that’s why I told the Elves I wanted iPhone and Android apps: to give all this new technology meaning by letting kids experience the North Pole as we see it every day, letting them keep the videos to watch again and again, and giving them reason to count the days (and their good deeds) until Christmas.

Santa’s apps can be found at, and they’re free for all to use. I should say we do offer a premium experience that costs a few dollars, featuring a fully-personalized, extended-length video message from me and a peek at the inner workings of the SANTA System to give kids a peek into where they might stand on Santa’s naughty and nice lists. I tell you, knowing those videos will stay in the hands of children to watch again and again, any time of does Santa’s heart a world of good.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to get back to building Mrs. Claus a new pantry before the Holiday rush really gets running, and before she tans Santa’s hide! Visit me at, or download my apps from the iTunes AppStore or Google Play Store, check in with me and the Elves, and spread some smiles of your own this Holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

Nicholas Claus

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