
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Book Review - Captain Joe's Choice

Captain Joe's Choice
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About the Book
The Captain Joe Series was designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination. The four books are a fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of "Thoughts Turn into Things" (so choose the ones that make you happy) to young children, ages five to nine years. Joe and his thought-zapping superpower will invite children to use their imaginations to constructively choose thoughts that promote healthy self-esteem and self-awareness. Each picture story is designed to teach a key concept. Captain Joe's Choice is the fourth book in the series and teaches children that when we choose happy thoughts that feel good, we set ourselves up to have more happy thoughts and positive outcomes in our lives. Readers will witness Joe's starring role on the big screen and how his thoughts and choices influence the different outcomes. Joe uses his 'thought zapping superpower' to help him reach the end result he wants. This story will set the foundation for children to begin recognizing and choosing thoughts that feel good and boost their confidence in all areas of life. It's a great introduction to discussions around the cause and effects of our thoughts and choices.

My Take on the Book
This is a powerful story for children and adults. It is about choosing your attitude which affects your feelings and how you approach opportunities in your life. Your feelings often become your actions. Your actions tell the world who you are. Then those who see you will decide if they want to associate with you. This story shows all of that in a level of discussion/storytelling that a child will understand.

This story could easily promote a discussion about how children can often decide if they will have a positive or negative day. The story gives specific examples.

Once again Emily Madill has written a story which will provide parents and teachers which will provide parents and teachers with opportunities to discuss life issues with children.

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