
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Book Review - If you were me and lived in... Australia

If you were me and lived in... Australia
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About the Book
Former social studies teacher Carole P. Roman has penned a new addition in her exiting explorations of foreign cultures and customs with “If You Were Me and Lived in … Australia". In her years as a teacher, parent and grandparent, Roman noticed that there were few, if any, books about other cultures for young children. Roman has remedied the deficit and now introduces the new Australia installment in a series that educates kids, parents and teachers, alike. Roman recognizes that children love to discover the differences and similarities of other people and places in far-off lands. In this series, she describes details that kids can relate to. Tailored to children from 3-to-8-years old, her writing is simple but does not talk down to youngsters. Among the topics that are introduced in this journey to Australia are the unusual indigenous animals, the extraordinary Great Barrier Reef, the currency, the beloved game of cricket and the national holiday, Australia Day, as well as the special nicknames people have for one another and the curious taste sensation, Vegemite.

My Take on the Book
Australia is a country and a continent. Since it is surrounded by water your child will learn about the Barrier Reef and other facets of this huge country. There is so much history, great food, interesting cities, learning about the games children like to play, and more. All the new words written are pronounced in parenthesis for the reader.

The written text is perfect for young readers as are the illustrations which accompany the text. 

Help your child learn about a new country/continent by reading this book to them.

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