
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Book Review - Helping College Students Find Pupose

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About the Book
Today's college students are demanding that their educational experiences address the core questions of meaning and purpose. . . What does it mean to be successful? How will I know what type of career is best for me? Why do I hurt so much when a relationship ends? Why do innocent people have to suffer?

Faculty and administrators are in the unique position to make special contributions to their students' search for meaning, and when they work together, everyone on a college campus benefits. Helping College Students Find Purpose provides a theory-to-practice model of meaning-making that enables the entire campus community to participate in the process. Based on a practical how-to approach, the authors outline a series of concrete steps for applying the theory and practice of meaning-making to teaching, leading, administering, and advising.

Filled with real-life vignettes, this guidebook includes the background knowledge and proven tools that will help faculty and administrators act as effective mentors to students. While there is no single solution that can meet everyone's needs, the authors provide a series of classroom and cross-campus strategies that are specifically designed to help students successfully navigate their diverse meaning-making activities and effectively enhance their quest for meaning.

My Take on the Book
As someone that works with college students on a daily basis, I work to help them make meaning in everything that they do. This book does a great job at inspiring people like me to take it to the next level finding ways to engage better, motivate more and inspire students to move forward in their own development toward a bright, happy and successful future. The process that they go through is not always easy, but it is something that all have to grapple with and something that as professionals we all have to understand. Filled with not only academic prose, I enjoyed the personal stories about students that were interspersed throughout the book as it made my own meaning-making process even more tangible!

After reading through this, while I know that I have grown in my own understanding, I believe that even more important are the resources that I have gained to help the students that I work with.

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