
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Book Review - Runaway Emotions

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Runaway Emotions by Jeff Schreve

About the Book
If we pay attention to the alarms in our lives, they could save us.

Worry. Anger. Loneliness. Negative emotions are uncomfortable by design. Like any good fire alarm, they alert us to a greater danger. But they won’t help us if we try to cover them up, hide them behind excuses, or assume they will always plague us.

The only healthy way to manage negative emotions is to find their source and address the problem that set them off. As pastor Jeff Schreve in the book Runaway Emotions says, “A specific and compelling message can be found in each of your negative, painful emotions. God Himself is trying to speak to you through those emotions—right now.”

So what is God saying? How can we understand our emotions—even change them? Schreve shows how the truth of the Bible can make sense of our confusion. The power of the Holy Spirit can lead us to freedom, and Jesus Christ can give us true peace in the midst of any crisis.

You don’t have to let your emotions run away with you, your family, or your future.

About the Author
Jeff Schreve passionately communicates God's Word to connect people with Jesus Christ and experience His love and plan for their lives. He is pastor of First Baptist Texarkana and founder of From His Heart Ministries, a national and international radio and television ministry. Jeff holds a BA in Business Administration (UT-Austin) and M.Div from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jeff and his wife, Debbie, have three daughters, one son-in-law, and one granddaughter.

My Take on the Book
This was a powerful book that truly made you explore your own emotions and how these emotions are tied into God and what he wants you to do with your life. I can honestly say that I would not have even thought about many of the points in this book prior to this simply due to the fact that my emotions are somewhat all over the place at times and it is hard to see past them and think on a broader scale for what God's plan has to do with them. However in this book the author does just that, and he does it in a way that makes you truly gain a much better understanding of how your emotions are a way in which God is speaking to you! This was a good book that will make you reconsider your own emotions and the emotions of the people around you, or at least it did me!

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