
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Book Review - Love No Matter What

About the Book
How will you respond when your child makes a decision you don't agree with?

Parents and kids will never agree on everything but what can mom and dad do when that decision—whether a matter of preference, spirituality, or morality—is something they think is totally wrong? Author and speaker Brenda Garrison knows all too well that how parents respond will either build a wall or a bridge between them and their child.

Brenda and her husband were forced to answer this question when their oldest daughter Katie abruptly moved out of the house with no means of support. It was not an illegal or immoral decision, but it was one that wasn't good for her. Their determination to keep an open door of communication is documented not only by their story, but by comments from Katie in each chapter as she offers insights from her own perspective.

Also included are other family scenarios—everything from matters of preference to foolish, immoral, and even illegal decisions—as well as insights into different styles of parenting such as servant, checked-out, gotcha, scared, and controlling parents.

With practical tips and relatable stories, Brenda shares how to model God's parenting style and explains the difference between the parent's responsibilities and the child's, then helps mom and dad discover ways to develop and nurture a relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.

About the Author
Brenda Garrison is an enthusiastic and authentic speaker and author. She ministers to women in all stages of life but especially to moms—encouraging them by keeping it real and based on God's Word. Brenda speaks at retreats, workshops, professional groups, and government agencies that work with families. She has appeared on FamilyLife Today, Moody Radio, and The Harvest Show as well as other media outlets. Brenda and her husband, Gene, have three daughters.

Katie Garrison is a college student and talented artist. Her artwork is currently displayed prominently thoughout her parents' home, but hopefully someday her art will be enjoyed by countless others. Katie will graduate soon with a bachelor's degree in fine arts, with a concentration in 3D studio, after which she plans to pursue a master’s in fine arts.

My Take on the Book
This was a great book that opened my eyes to how I can and should probably respond as a parent as my kids get older and I will not agree with what my daughters choose to do (I know there will be many examples of this in the future). I loved the practicality of this book and the real life scenarios that the author shares as well as the commentary provided by the author's daughter. The book is definitely put together in a way that makes it easy to understand and follow and offers down to earth advice that all parents can learn and grow from. I really enjoyed the spirituality that she was able to incorporate into her parenting that helped her through some of the hardest times and which really helped her to get to a point where she could build an even stronger relationship with her own daughter in the end. This was a powerful book that I would encourage all to read!

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