
Monday, October 8, 2012

Product Review - The Knot Genie

About the Product 
The Knot Genie Detangling Brush was created for every mom that has endured the foot stomping and screaming matches that come with brushing their child's hair. With the Knot Genie, even the curliest, most knotted up hair practically slips through the unique bristle configuration gently and painlessly. Try the Knot Genie on your kids (or on yourself) you'll be amazed by the ease of brushing, as well as how it virtually stops breakage and split ends. You've wished for hair brushing standoffs to end. Wish granted.

The magic trick behind the Knot Genie™ is one the company is happy to reveal. It all has to do with the different lengths of teeth on the brush. When brushing, they bend just right, to gently untangle the hair. And because of this lack of stress, the hair's cuticle stays unharmed... revealing the smoothest, shiniest hair you've ever seen.

Handles like a dream. The fact that The Knot Genie isn't like traditional hair brushes goes way beyond the bristle side. Its unique cloud-shaped top fits the palm nicely, whether you're right or left handed. Which means it feels more like an extension of your hand than a grooming tool. And also means the brushing process is far more comfortable, gentle, and most importantly, done quickly. Voila!

All Dad of Divas Readers can get a special discount by clicking on the following link: 

My Take on the Product
If you are a parent of a girl, you inevitably will have had the experience of hair brushing that can lead to crying. While it is not intentional, the knots that can occur in a child's hair simply amazes me! I know that for me, I have tried to be gentle, and even with conditioner in the hair, our hairbrush simply hurts them (which is definitely not my intention). With all of this being said I have to say that I was looking forward to seeing how well this product worked.

This is what I found as I used it. I found that the brush does work well, but it takes a little time to get the hang of it. The bristles on this are not soft and for someone with a sensitive scalp, it may feel a bit pointy. That being said though, the brush does a good job at getting through the knots. I can even give the brush to my daughters and they can use it without any issues.

I do have to say that this brush has brought some equilibrium into our home and there are not as many tears and for the most part people are happy with The Know Genie. Of course, this brush will not take away any pain, so just keep that in mind, but outside of this, the brush does work quite well and gets through most hair issues (from what I have found thus far).

All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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