
Friday, July 27, 2012

Book Review - One Big Thing

About the Book
Stop being average at so many things, and become extraordinary at One Big Thing.

What were you born to accomplish with your life? One Big Thing will help you discover what you were born to do and allow it to revolutionize your business, your ministry, and your life. In today’s distracted, digital culture, it’s harder than ever to identify your calling, get your voice heard, and achieve your dreams. To stand out and communicate your ideas and message, you need to cut through the clutter and get noticed. Making that happen means focusing on the one thing that drives you, inspires your passion, and separates you from the pack. If you’ve ever felt pulled in different directions or wondered what to do with your varied talents and interests, Phil Cooke will teach you the secrets of living a life-on-purpose that rises above the noise and leaves a lasting mark on the world.

My Take on the Book
This is a book that you can sink your teeth into. The book is written in such a way that you can easily relate to. What I loved about the book was that it tackled a topic that we all struggle with at one point in our life, the idea of the purpose of our lives (why are we here and what are we here to do with our life). You would think that this book could be very heave and spiritual, but the author does a superb job at making the book practical and user-friendly. The book both motivated and inspired me to think differently about my own life and made me realize that I might need to make some changes within my life. The author challenges each and every one of us in the book and I for one am taking him up on his challenge, will you? This is a highly engaging and interactive book that will challenge you and make you think in a completely different way. It is a book that I would highly recommend to all!

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