
Saturday, May 12, 2012

@Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries Pack a Punch

I am always looking for batteries that will last a long time. With everything (it seems) that my kids own running on battery power, I am constantly feeling like I spend half of my life changing batteries. With this in mind I was very excited to hear about the new Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries. I had used the original Lithium batteries that they had in the past with my battery operated digital camera and an indoor/outdoor weather station that we own and all I can say is that the batteries lasted about 10X longer than the regular batteries, or so it seemed. Now, with this new battery they are stating that it last up to 9X longer, so as you probably can guess I was excited. I put these to the test, placing them in my child's Innotab, which tends to eat batteries for lunch, and I was very surprised to find that they did last a lot longer than regular AA batteries do. In fact, I would venture a guess to say that 9X longer is quite accurate!

All-in-all I have to say that I was very impressed and will be looking for these batteries in the store soon, as I can tell that not only will they last longer, but I also am aware that they are better for the environment, which is also something that I am conscious of!

I highly encouage anyone looking for long-lasting batteries to look no further than these!

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