
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Little Looster - a Great Potty Stool

About the Product
When it comes time to potty training, most parents gear up on colorful story books and catchy sing-along DVDs to make the transition ahead a little smoother for their child. Although he or she might learn every word to Elmo's Potty Time, it really all comes down to how accessible and comfortable the toilet is when they “gotta go.”

Fresh on the market, Little Looster™ is a revolutionary, uniquely-designed potty training accessory that provides the perfect support for little legs and fits discreetly around the base of your Loo. All grown-ups can use the toilet while standing or sitting without needing to move it out of the way. With the Little Looster, parents and caregivers no longer have to clean out those tiny potty chairs or fuss with a step stool that inevitably clutters the bathroom. Toddlers can train to tinkle in the toilet independently and successfully right on the “big potty.” The benefits of training with Little Looster do not stop there! Using the Little Looster saves both time and money, as parents are potty-training their little ones on average 2 months earlier. That is approximately $175/per child in savings and over 425 diapers that are no longer filling the landfills.

Conceptualized by a mother of three young children, Monica Mylet designed Little Looster to give all-around support and comfort to kids learning to use the potty. The invention also reduces the “ick” factor that goes along with little hands needing to hold themselves up by touching the germ-covered toilet seat. Thanks to Little Looster, a child's legs and feet are fully and ergonomically supported until the day their toes can touch the floor. With this all-around support, there is no longer a scary feeling of “falling in” as confidence and security creates happy kiddos. The Little Looster has also been shown to help children with Special Needs, such as Autism, use the potty successfully as it allows these children, who may have balance issues, to stabilize themselves on the potty without help.

The Little Looster retails for $29.99, and can be purchased online at

My Take on the Product
This was an ingenious device. I loved the fact that it easily fit around the base of the toilet and made it so easy to get up to the toilet seat. No longer do you have to have a small potty for a child, instead you can help you child get used to the toilet themselves and make them feel like truly a BIG kid at a much earlier point in their potty training. If you are working on potty training, then this is definitely a great addition to have in your home and it is such a great price! I highly encourage all to try this out today!

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