
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Game Review - Say Anything

About the Game
From the makers of the award-winning Wits and Wagers comes the next great party game - *Say Anything*. Say Anything is a light-hearted game about what you and your friends think. It gives you the chance to settle questions that have been hotly debated for centuries. For instance, “What’s the best movie of all time?” or “If I could have a BIG anything, what would it be?” So dig deep into your heart or just come up with something witty – this is your chance to Say Anything. Say Anything combines the best elements of Wits and Wagers and Apples to Apples. 1) Ask any question from the card you draw, such as “What’s the best movie of all time?” or “If I could have a BIG anything, what would it be?” 2) Everyone else writes an answer and turns it face-up. 3) Secretly choose your favorite of these answers. Then everyone tries to guess which one you picked. Play *Say Anything* - and find out what your friends really think. Ages: teens and adults. Players: 3 – 8. Teach time: 2 minutes. Play time: 35 minutes.

Product Description
Find out what your friends really think when everyone writes down answers to questions like, "What's the coolest thing to have at a mansion?" or "What's the funniest movie of all time?" All the players try to guess what the other players have written! Three to eight players can join in the fun. North Star Games. Ages: 13+

Say Anything can be bought at - Target, Toys-r-Us, Meijer, Barnes and Noble, and Go the Game Store.

My Take on the Game
This was a great party game! My family loves games and this one was a blast. It was very simple to set up and understand but that being said, once you start you do not want to quit! Some of the concept reminds me of apples to apples, but with placing bets on the answer that the questioner will choose. What I loved about the game was that there were so many questions that you could ask and really the options were endless in regards to the amount of creative freedom you could have in the playing of the game itself. The one thing to watch out for in this game is the amount of time you will will be laughing within the game itself. In playing this with our friends we were amazed at how much fun we all had!

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