
Monday, November 7, 2011

Even Super Moms Need the Flu Vaccine!

Hello Super Mom! During my years as a genetic counselor and teratogen information specialist, I have met many a Super Mom such as yourself. Perhaps this is your first pregnancy, but no one is more prepared than you – you have so many pregnancy facts in your head you could write your own maternity book, your birth plan has been locked into your smartphone and emailed to your doctor, and you are shopping for the final touches to your nursery while looking fabulous in Heidi Klum maternity jeans. Or perhaps you are the experienced Super Mom – squeezing in your OB appointments between Gymboree class and soccer practice, whipping out a healthy meal for your family despite the fact that the slightest whiff of raw meat makes you nauseous, and fixing that broken stroller wheel/action hero/doll/Razor scooter yet AGAIN.

Yes, you are a Super Mom. You make leaping tall buildings in a single bound look like child’s play.

But alas, being super does not make us indestructible. One thing I hear from Super Moms everywhere is: “The flu shot? I don’t need it. I NEVER get sick!” Well, you may indeed normally have the immune system of steel, but that can all change during pregnancy. For a lot of reasons, pregnant women are more likely to experience severe illness from the flu, compared to women who are not pregnant. This means that the precious cargo you are carrying is at a greater risk as well. And this is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and doctors everywhere recommend that all pregnant women get the flu vaccine, in any trimester of pregnancy.  

Still have questions? Any Super Mom should have all the facts at her disposal! Read on for some good old fashioned Q&A …

How can getting the flu vaccine during pregnancy protect me?
            Changes – there are lots of them during pregnancy! We all know about the ever-expanding bump, raging hormones, and those incredibly strong and fast-growing nails. But other changes to your body that you don’t see – changes in your immune system, heart and lungs – make pregnant women more likely to get very sick from the flu (we’re talking hospitalization and even death). The flu vaccine is the best way to protect both you and your family from getting sick.

Can the flu vaccine protect my baby?
            Yes! According to the CDC, pregnant women who get the flu have a higher chance for serious problems for their unborn babies, including miscarriage or preterm birth. In addition, studies have shown that getting the flu shot while pregnant helps protect babies from getting sick even after birth. This is especially important because infants cannot receive the flu vaccine themselves until they are six months old.
Is the flu vaccine safe during pregnancy?
            All evidence points to yes. The flu vaccine has been given to millions of pregnant women over the years, and it has never been shown to cause harm to pregnant women or their babies. For detailed information about the safety of the flu vaccine during pregnancy, take a look at the OTIS fact sheet.

Can I get the nasal spray flu vaccine while I’m pregnant?
            No - it is best to avoid the nasal spray, a form of flu vaccine that contains a live but weakened virus. There is not as much information about its safety during pregnancy, so it is recommended that pregnant women stick with the flu shot.

Can I get the flu vaccine while breastfeeding?
            Yes. If you are breastfeeding, there is no better way to protect yourself and your baby from getting sick than by getting vaccinated. Again, because babies under six months of age cannot receive the flu vaccine themselves, it is especially important that you and other family members are vaccinated.

Are studies being done to continue to look at the safety of the flu vaccine in pregnancy?
            Yes. Although the flu vaccine has been used safely in pregnancy for many years, each year researchers continue to collect more information. OTIS is currently conducting the Influenza Vaccines and Antiviral Medications in Pregnancy Study. Interested in learning about how you can participate? Click here.

How can I help spread the word about the importance of the flu vaccine during pregnancy?
            As Super Moms, we need to help others be in the know as well. Make sure your friends and family are informed about the importance of the flu vaccine by sharing this blog link on Facebook or handing them the OTIS flu vaccine fact sheet (in English or Spanish).
Like to receive text messages? Enroll in the Text4baby program (just text BABY to 511411) to receive free text messages about pregnancy health throughout your pregnancy, including customizable reminders to get your flu shot.

Whether you are a first-time mom or the mom of many, guiding and protecting your family is a tough job. The flu is one villain us Super Moms shouldn’t have to fight. Get your flu vaccine, and be even more super!

Sara Riordan is a genetic counselor who has educated women and health care providers about medication safety in pregnancy and birth defects prevention for many years. She has worked as a teratogen information specialist and research coordinator at the Arizona Pregnancy Riskline, and served as a clinical instructor at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy.
Sara has a strong interest in creating educational resources for consumers and health care providers. For many years she served as the Chair of the Education Committee for OTIS, overseeing development of the OTIS fact sheets. Sara continues her focus on educating the public in her current role as Education & Outreach Advisor for OTIS.
Sara is employed as a Senior Genetic Counselor at Navigenics, Inc., a personal genomics company. She enjoys jogging, practicing yoga, and spending time with her husband and young son.

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