
Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 warning signs of cyber abuse

TrueCare has compiled a list of warning signs that your child might be a victim of cyber abuse. What’s cyber abuse? It’s rumors, threats, gossip or humiliation that happen through email, websites, blogs, chat rooms, text and instant messaging, or videos. Read over the list, share it with other parents and pay close attention to your child’s behavior.

10 signs your child might be a victim of cyber abuse:

  1. Your child becomes secretive about what they are doing online
  2. Uses computers outside of home, such as at homes of friends, Internet
    1. cafes, or libraries
  3. Has a sudden decline in homework or grades
  4. Doesn’t feel well, headaches, stomach aches, nervousness
  5. Is restless, has difficulty sleeping
  6. Shows changes in behavior or has mood swings
  7. Becomes withdrawn or displays low self-esteem
  8. Does not want to go to school or socialize
  9. Avoids telling you who their online friends are
  10. No longer wants to use the computer or cell phone

TrueCare on TV
I am a big fans of TrueCare, but I can understand why you might want to know what the experts think. Let me introduce you to Mike Muir from the National Middle School Association and Alison Rhodes, an authority on safety, wellness and healthy living who’s also known as “The Safety Mom.” These two appeared on Lifetime Television’s morning talk show “The Balancing Act” to discuss cyber bullies, sexting, predators and other online dangers and how TrueCare can help parents deal with these dangers.  If you missed it, click here or tune in on August 23rd at 7am (EST) to view the segment.

If this sounds like something that you want to try yourself, go to -, and you’ll get a 60-day free trial. If you decide to continue their TrueCare membership, it’ll cost just $9.99 a month.

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