
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Book Review - Fortune Favors the Bold

About the Book 
What is fear? Is it self-induced or brought on by the environment around us? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines “fear” as “an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.” There are situations, however, where fear is an essential ingredient in keeping the individual safe. For example, if fear did not exist, we would walk senselessly into dangerous situations. Fear is the stimulus within us that tells us to run when danger lurks. At the same time, constant fear is unhealthy, and can become a paralyzing obsession.

In his new release, Fortune Favors the Bold, Franco Arda, the founder of SmarterComics—a comic-based guide on being successful and guiding life in a positive direction—reveals that the fear of failure is an epidemic that prevents many people from using their talents to the maximum potential. Clearly, success is predicated on marketable talents; fear represses these talents and handicaps the individual.  The opposite of fear is boldness, which is one of the main discussion points in Fortune Favors the Bold. Through the use of unique quotations, Franco Arda easily conveys the principles of boldness and fear—in the context of achieving one’s dreams. One simple yet intriguing blurb attributed to Tom Hopkins reads, “If you don’t control your fear, fear controls you.” Such quotes fairly resonate with truth.

The bottom line is that fearlessness can translate into recklessness. While Franco Arda advises the necessity of having some element of fear prior to making an important decision, there needs also to be a balance between fear and boldness, so that once the decision has been made, one should “charge forward,” using reason and sound judgment.

Readers will find in Fortune Favors the Bold that they should practice boldness, which essentially acknowledges and accepts the fear accompanying the action, but also provides the individual with the
courage to tackle it head on. A must read for anyone who desires to reach further and climb higher in life.

My Take on the Book 
As a fan of comics, this comic does more than just entertain, it educates. What was amazing in this comic was that it takes many principles that I have seen in huge, lengthy texts written for the business world and condenses it down to a comic format and only 50 pages. I also loved the fact that the comic references many other great books that will aid you on your journey and provides this as a reference in the back of the book. The quiz at the end of the book and reference to the website that accompanies the learning series is also a nice addition and one that I would recommend all to check out -

Overall, this was a great book, and one that I would highly recommend to any person in business trying to take that next step into the unknown!

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