
Friday, May 29, 2015

Book Review - Hidden Strengths

Hidden Strengths
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About the Book Books like StrengthsFinder 2.0 have helped leaders discover their strengths--but they stop there. The Sindells argue that focusing only on your best abilities neglects a vital development opportunity. They show how to identify hidden strengths that can be quickly elevated into full strengths with attention and focus.

Working mainly on your strengths can ultimately make you weaker, they argue--you need to continually add new skills, not rely on what you're already good at. And while most people assume that means they should try to turn their weaknesses into usable skills, the Sindells say that it takes too much time and effort --the ROI just isn't there. It's in the neglected middle skills, neither strengths nor weaknesses, that the most potent development opportunities lie. They're close enough to being strengths that putting your energy there can offer a powerful payoff.

Using assessments, exercises, and case studies, the Sindells help you identify your most promising middle skills and create a plan to turn them into strengths. In today's work environment, not growing and stretching yourself translates into lack of innovation, stagnation, and obsolescence. Relying upon strengths is like relying upon training wheels - at a certain point you need to take them off in order to improve and grow.

Visit to learn more about the book, identifying your "hidden Strengths", and maximizing your potential.

My Take on the Book
All of us have strengths and weaknesses and in reading this book you get to explore your own hidden talents and strengths and you get to learn ways to better work with these areas within your life. As you read through this book you will quickly find yourself taking notes. Notes about yourself and about tidbits that will help you and others, By the end of the book you will have amassed quite a bit of information!  In reading this I found that there were so many hidden strengths that were innate in us that I was unaware of and you will be amazed too!

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Book Review - Thomas Flintham's Book of Mazes and Puzzles

Thomas Flintham's Book of Mazes and Puzzles
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About the Book
An a-MAZE-ing book of puzzles, dot-to-dots, spot-the-difference, and mazes like you've never seen before!

Welcome to the marvelous world of Thomas Flintham, where mazes and puzzles become exquisitely illustrated journeys!

Can you help a howling wolf solve the maze hidden in the moon, aid a little knight in his quest to reach the castle, spot-the-difference in a series of intricate treasure hunts, and save the king from a wicked wizard?

With so much to see and do, there are hours and hours of activity and discovery to be had with Thomas Flintham's mind-boggling, story-based puzzles and mazes. Are you ready for the challenge that awaits?

My Take on the Book
This book had an amazing array of mazes and puzzles included within its' pages. Each maze was unique and some were harder than others but most were quite challenging. The activities were also a lot of fun and very challenging too. My girls had a ton of fun with this and it worked perfectly for a long weekend trip that we just took!

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Book Review - Star Wars: Jedi Academy: The Phantom Bully

Star Wars: Jedi Academy: The Phantom Bully
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About the Book
Award-winning author/illustrator Jeffrey Brown returns for the third installation of the NY Times Bestseller Star Wars: Jedi Academy!

It's hard to believe this is Roan's last year at Jedi Academy. He's been busier than ever learning to fly (and wash) starships, swimming in the Lake Country on Naboo, studying for the Jedi obstacle course exam, and tracking down dozens of vorpak clones--don't ask. But now, someone is setting him up to get in trouble with everyone at school, including Yoda. If he doesn't find out who it is, and fast, he may get kicked out of school! Why can't middle school just be easy. . .

This incredible, original story captures all of the humor, awkwardness, fun, and frustrations of middle school--all told through one boy's comics, journal entries, letters, sketches, e-mails, and more.

My Take on the Book
This is a great new collection of stories about the force and the Jedi Academy. The author has such as great sense of humor. You get to see the Jedi Academy in a whole new way. The book is written to let anyone in middle school years a great opportunity to  have some fun but also laugh out loud at the antics of the characters. You can see that the author has done a great job at connecting the Jedi Academy and the experience of the characters to the lives and experiences of any middle-school age child.

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Book Review - Counterintuitive

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About the Book Tyler Durman has spoken live to over 4 million teenagers. Following each presentation, where he offers guidance through comedic storytelling, students approach him to confide and confess things they’ve never told their parents, teachers, or even best friends. Thousands of these one on one conversations have given Tyler a rare window into their lives, allowing him to gain wisdom about the surprising and counterintuitive things they need and long for from the adults in their lives. If you want to experience joy and intimacy in your relationship with your child or students, the observations and tools in these pages will give you a way forward. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or at a loss, they’ll provide hope. As a former teacher and father of five, Tyler writes with a voice that’s fresh, raw, and just pure fun. He’s found a way to relay profound wisdom while being intensely funny at the same time.

“Powerful. Refreshing. Hilarious. I literally couldn’t put it down! The scope and candor of this book cut to the realities of parenting and teaching while offering hope through practical solutions… a pure joy to read.”
                              Dr. Paul Lewanski, Ed.D., California Teacher of the Year

My Take on the Book
This was an important book that all parents of tweens or teens should read at least once. I found myself re-reading a number of sections as the content is rich and meaningful. What is most important is that this was developed from content outside of the author. The author spoke to many teens to create this book so the voices you are hearing are true to life and important to hear.

Any parent knows that the teenage years can be difficult for the teen and for the parent, but this book really allows parents to get inside a teenagers' mind and especially understand the complexities and societal pressures that are lurking there.

This book really gets parents to take a moment to stop and listen and really hear what these teens are saying so that they can gain perspective for the teen in their own home.

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Book Review - Minecraft: Combat Handbook

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About the Book
Revised edition with the most up to date stats, info, and sixteen pages of brand-new material!

In Minecraft, you're never alone and the threat of attack is constant. How will you survive? The Official Combat Handbook now has sixteen additional pages with brand-new content. This book will teach you everything you need to know to defend yourself from hostile monsters and enemy players. You can learn how to build a fort, craft armor and weapons, set mob traps, defeat your enemies in one-on-one combat, and battle your way out of the Nether and the End. With tips from Minecraft experts, developer Jeb, and creator Notch himself, you'll be a Minecraft warrior in no time!

My Take on the Book
My daughter is much more of an expert when it comes to Minecraft, but she still has issues when it comes to defending herself from monsters and others enemys. This book gave some sage advice from experts on how best to create a world that will be ready for any attack. In asking my daughter what she thought, instead of using words, she showed me what she created because of the information, and let me tell you, talk about a fortress. This book definitely helps you get on the defensive when it comes to preparing for any attack, and the advice given and the way that it is shared is easy to understand and easy to implement.

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Book Review - Minecraft: Construction Handbook

Minecraft: Construction Handbook
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About the Book
Revised edition with the most up to date stats, info, and sixteen pages of brand-new material!

You can make theme parks with incredible waterslide rides, or entire pirate coves complete with galleons! Is there nothing that can't be achieved in Minecraft? Here the experts talk you through amazing constructs which range from awe-inspiring cathedrals to wacky inventions--like the hilarious animal cannon that catapults cows out to sea! Find out which are Notch's personal favorites and get step-by-step instructions to fuel your own creative genius. Be ORE-some!

This updated edition includes sixteen additional pages of brand-new content!

My Take on the Book
This book gives you some amazing short-cuts to follow when constructing your own Minecraft workds. I love how this book is set up and it walks you step-by-step through everything that you would need to do to make sure that you have everything taken care of in regards to what you want to construct. The expert advice was easy to follow and allows you to really up your game play overall. I was very impressed by the information that was included and any Minecraft player will learn something new from the expert advice shared within!

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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Book Review - Searching for Sunday

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About the Book
New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans embarks on a quest to find out what it really means to be part of the Church.

Like millions of her millennial peers, Rachel Held Evans didn't want to go to church anymore. The hypocrisy, the politics, the gargantuan building budgets, the scandals-church culture seemed so far removed from Jesus. Yet, despite her cynicism and misgivings, something kept drawing her back to Church. And so she set out on a journey to understand Church and to find her place in it.

Centered around seven sacraments, Evans' quest takes readers through a liturgical year with stories about baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, marriage, vocation, and death that are funny, heartbreaking, and sharply honest.

A memoir about making do and taking risks, about the messiness of community and the power of grace, Searching for Sunday is about overcoming cynicism to find hope and, somewhere in between, Church.

About the Author

Rachel Held Evans is an award-winning writer whose articles have appeared in local and national publications. She lives in Dayton, Tennessee, with her husband, Dan. Find out more at

My Take on the Book
Rachel Hold Evans' book will make the reader think. If you are a Christian whose faith is weak or strong or somewhere in the middle, the book will make you think. It will make you ponder your own feelings about your beliefs, apathy, evangelism, concerns, frustrations, and even your hope for your children or grandchildren's faith.

Rachel went through it all is seems. She takes the reader on her journey to rediscover her faith. Yes her journey brings her to a different ending because she is thinking differently. 

I found myself going through the sacraments with her. I noticed many of her thoughts were similar to mine in some ways. It also will help the reader to see how and why so many individual have given up church. That does not mean they do not live a good life and follow the golden rule. It just means that the establishment of church with often its rules has turned them off. Maybe they are also on their own journey .

You may want to read Rachel's book as an affirmation of where you were or are or going. It will hold your interest and it will make you think.

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

DVD Review - Scaredy Squirrel & Bink & Gollie Double Feature

Scaredy Squirrel & Bink & Gollie Double Feature
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About the DVD
Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut tree. It’s way too dangerous out there! But one day he suddenly finds himself out in the unknown world and ends up discovering something surprising!

Bink and Gollie are marvelous companions who often do not agree…on socks…or goldfish…or venturing to the Andes. But with compromise these two different girls remain the best of friends.

Complete list of stories includes: Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend, Scaredy Squirrel, Bink and Gollie Two For One, and Bink and Gollie

My Take on the DVD
This is a great DVD that is a ton of fun to watch with the family, The characters are fun, and the stories make a ton of sense for kids because of the message that they share. You get to see messages on topics such as friendship, compromise and more - all of which are important for kids to learn.

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Movie Review - McFarland USA

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About the Movie
In the tradition of Disney sports movies comes “McFarland, USA” based on a true story of underdogs triumphing over tremendous obstacles. This heartwarming drama follows novice runners who strive to build a cross-country team under Coach Jim White (Kevin Costner) in their predominantly Latino high school. Everyone has a lot to learn about each other, but when Coach realizes the boys’ exceptional running ability, things change. Beyond their talent, it’s the power of family, commitment to each other and work ethic that transform them into champions — helping them achieve their own American dream.

CAST: Kevin Costner (“Dances with Wolves,” “The Untouchables”), Maria Bello (“A History of Violence,” “Prisoners”), Carlos Pratts (“Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones,” “Out of the Fire”), Morgan Saylor (TV’s “Homeland,” “Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant”).

My Take on the Movie
This is a great movie that really breaks down the color barriers and shows Latino Americans really achieving so much. I truly appreciate that Disney took on this story as it was family friendly and one that while I never had heard of in the past, it was one that I was excited to have found! It was a well written movie that was heart-warming and inspirational. You will be rooting on the team and hoping that this group of students are able to achieve all of their dreams! The power of this film is in the relationships that it portrays. Relationships between the Coach and players, players to players and of the Coach and players to the larger community too! If you missed this in the theater, pick it up today and see and experience this story for yourself, you will not be disappointed!

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Movie Review - The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
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About the Movie
After the Dragon leaves the Lonely Mountain, the people of Lake-town see a threat coming. Orcs, dwarves, elves and people prepare for war. Bilbo sees Thorin going mad and tries to help. Meanwhile, Gandalf is rescued from the Necromancer's prison and his rescuers realize who the Necromancer is.

As the finale to Peter Jackson's epic Tolkien odyssey comes to a close, this last movie in the Hobbit trilogy follows Bilbo and the dwarves one last time, as the armies of the necromancer come towards the Lonely Mountain. Men, elves, dwarves, orcs, and goblins come to sword and bow point with each other in the last instalment from Peter Jackson, The Battle of the Five Armies.

Bilbo and the Company of King Thorin Oakenshield are forced into war by the Orcs of Gundabad and Moria lead by Azog and Bolg and chief leader Sauron. Its a remarkable battle with the Dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills, The Elves of the Woodland Realm, The people of Laketown, The eagles lead by Radaghast and Beorn and the Orcs of Gundabad and Moria. How will this battle end?

As Smaug breathes fire and destruction onto Laketown, another sort of dragon-danger threatens Thorin Oakenshield - the gold madness that seized his Grandsire Thror, King Under the Mountain of old. The people of Laketown flee to the ruins of Dale, in the shadow of the Lonely Mountain, only to be greeted by an army of Elves led by Thranduil, marching there too. Asking Thorin for their own fair share of the gold, Men and Elves are answered by Dwarvish defiance. Thorin seems overmatched until an army led by Dwarf-Lord Dain, Thorin's kinsman, approaches from the Iron Hills to the northeast. Meantime, Gandalf, imprisoned in the ruins of Dol Guldûr, seems about to be finished off by the Nine Ring Wraiths, led by the deadliest of their lot, Witch King of the ancient, evil realm of Angmar. And what on Middle Earth will happen when an enormous army of Orcs and Wargs suddenly pours out of tunnels under the earth, surrounding and threatening doom to all the other armies gathered at the Lonely Mountain? Orcs and their Fell Beasts, Elves, Dwarves, Men - Five Armies join battle, and the result will determine the fate of the North in the gathering War of the Ring.

After seizing Erebor from Smaug, Smaug burns down Lake-town and the aftermath causes the people of Lake-town to take up refuge in the ruins of Dale which is in the shadow of Erebor. Gandalf is inprisoned by The Necromancer and is eventually rescued and The Necromancer reveals himself as Sauron. Bilbo and Company must protect Erebor from the Elves of Mirkwood, the Gundabad and Moria Orcs, the Men of Lake-town.

Bilbo and Company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into the hands of a rising darkness.

My Take on the Movie
This was a great close to the the epic Hobbit movie saga. Stunning cinematography and graphic displays making monsters and the entire story come together! While there was some holes in the end in regards to a lack of closure in my opinion, the story itself was sound and tied up the movies themselves. The movie was filled with amazing action, monsters and more. I know that with all of the action I was wondering how they would finish up this trilogy. Also, you wonder how the main villain will be taken care of...but you have to bide your time to wait and see what happens! In the end, this is a great movie that you will love watching! Also, get ready to turn up the surround sound as this movie has some amazing sound effects too!

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Book Review - Inside Out Read-Along Storybook and CD

Inside Out Read-Along Storybook and CD
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About the Book
Jump inside Riley's mind and get to know the Emotions who know her best: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Relive all of the adventure from the Disney*Pixar film, Inside Out, with this storybook-and-CD-set. The CD includes word-for-word narration, thrilling sound effects, and original character voices from the movie!

My Take on the Book
This was a great re-telling of the movie with some great audio. We loved hearing the voices from the characters of the movie. You really get to get a good feel for the movie with this book! It was a fun book with great images from the movie!

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Book Review - Inside Out Driven by Emotions

Inside Out Driven by Emotions
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About the Book
This unique chapter book reveals unseen stories from Inside Out. Each chapter offers a different retelling of the film from one of Riley's Emotions: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust.

My Take on the Book
While I have yet to see the Inside Out movie, this was a great retelling of the movie from the perspectives of the characters. I loved seeing the differences between the characters and so did my girls. It was so unique to see how you see the world in different ways based on what emotion is seeing the situation. This is a great book for kids, as they will be able to better understand their own emotions!

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Book Review - Inside Out Box of Mixed Emotions

Inside Out Box of Mixed Emotions

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About the Book
Dive inside Riley's mind and get to know the Emotions that know her best with this unique format. With five fun storybooks, each devoted to a different Emotion, as well as a die-cut slipcase, fans of Pixar's upcoming film, Inside Out, will treasure this special collection of Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust.

My Take on the Book
This was a great set of books that will let you delve deeper into each of the emotions and characters that you will be meeting in the new Disney Inside Out movie. What I loved about this is that in each book you really get to see the difference in the emotions as well as allow the reader to explore their own emotions too.

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Book Review - The Baby-Sitters Club: The Truth About Stacey

The Baby-Sitters Club: The Truth About Stacey
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About the Book
These graphic novels adapted by Raina Telgemeier, #1 New York Times bestselling and Eisner Award winning creator of Smile, are now available in full color!

Poor Stacey. She just moved to a new town, is still coming to terms with her diabetes, and is facing baby-sitting problems left and right. Fortunately, Stacey has three new friends -- Kristy, Claudia, and Mary Anne. Together they're the BSC -- and they will deal with whatever's thrown their way... even if it's a rival baby-sitting club!

Raina Telgemeier, in the same signature style featured in Smile and Sisters, perfectly captures all the drama and humor of the original novel!

My Take on the Book
My oldest is just getting into graphic novels and this was one that she just plowed through. She loved reading this and the characters held within. The book also had some great messages about friendship, loyalty and perseverance. After reading this my daughter went online to check out local library offerings from this same author and I can see this continuing in the future!

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Book Review - Whiffy Wilson: The Wolf Who Wouldn't Go to School

Whiffy Wilson: The Wolf Who Wouldn't Go to School
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About the Book There was a Wolf called Wilson

Who couldn't count to ten.

He wouldn't learn to write his name.

He never used a pen.

And so begins the story of Whiffy Wilson, a little wolf who refuses to go to school because he thinks it will be boring. Instead, Whiffy prefers to spend his days playing, watching TV, and staying up late. "Who wants to read and write?" he grumps. But when his best friend Dotty takes him along to class with her one day, Whiffy discovers that school is not the boring, stuffy place he thought it would be. This endearing story, told with humorous illustrations and infectious rhyme, will be an instant favorite among children who are preparing for their first day of school and may be feeling just a bit like Whiffy. (Ages 3-5)

My Take on the Book
This was a great story about a wolf that really knows nothing about school but does not want to go. The story really is a great one for any child that may be scared about going to school for the first time. The story was fun, engaging, with and had great illustrations and an important message. For me, I wish that this was a story that we had with our youngest as when she started school she was quite scared!

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Book Review - Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe

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About the Book
For 75 years the Marvel Superheroes have delighted readers with their larger-than-life, yet very human, heroics. More than simply comic book characters, the likes of Captain America, the Silver Surfer, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange, to name a few, have become part of the fabric of 20th century culture; the mythology of the modern age.

Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe examines these legendary characters, focusing on their creation and charting their continuous evolution in the comic book pages as well as their translation into the world of mediaâ??film, television, animation, even video games and theme park attractionsâ??and into the very core of popular culture.

This lavishly illustrated volume features full color artwork and hundreds of photos from film and television productions, some of which have never before been published. Through revealing and entertaining interviews with the legendary creators of the Marvel Universe, including Joe Simon, John Romita, John Buscema, Gene Colan, Roy Thomas, Chris Claremont and, of course, Stan "The Man" Lee, as well as such cinematic translators as animator Ralph Bakshi, director Kenneth Johnson and actor Lou Ferrigno, Marvel: The Characters and Their Universe reveals the story of Marvel, and its influence on the culture of our time, as never before.

My Take on the Book
As someone that grew up with Marvel comics, I loved reading this and learning so much more about the Marvel universe. You really get to learn so much more about many of the most popular characters in the Marvel Comics. So if you are a fan of characters such as Captain America, Spider-man, The Incredible Hulk, and the X-Men you will definitely learn so much within the pages of this book. You will get to learn about other characters too, but these are the main ones. The book provides a good back origin story for these characters as well as an understanding of their powers, weaknesses and much more. Thus, the book truly is a deep in-depth examination that any lover of the Marvel Universe will appreciate! The book not only is something that you will want to read and learn from, but it is also something that could easily be placed out as a coffee table book for others to read and learn from too.

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Book Review - Jampires

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About the Book
The jam has been sucked out of Sam's doughnuts! Who are the culprits? Sam sets a trap to catch the jam thieves and gets a surprise! It's the Jampires: friendly little creatures whose love of jam and sweet things gets them into trouble! They fly off with Sam to their magical land sitting in the clouds, where doughnuts grow on trees, jam tarts sprout like flowers, and castles are made of jammy sponge cake.

My Take on the Book
Beware of the Jampires! While you may have a sweet tooth, what would you do if you found creatures like these? This was a very cute book with amazing illustrations! Even better though was the story though. Even though these crazy creatures many seem scary, they are fun and friendly which made the story even more inviting!

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