
Sunday, October 3, 2010

DVD Set Review - Cooking from A to Zest

About the DVD's

Cooking is more than just following a recipe. It's being able to confidently walk into a kitchen, assess what's there and whip up something delightful and delicious. With that in mind, Cooking From A to Zest is like having your own private in-home instructor teaching you a foundation of techniques and skills. Watch it like a class, learning as you go, or use the main menu to jump directly to the technique or recipe you want. From how to dice an onion like a pro to roasting the perfect chicken to gaining helpful insight from experts at markets and restaurants, host Kierstin Buchner shares tips for both the beginning and more experienced cook.

VOLUME 1 - BUILDING YOUR KITCHEN Cooking starts with kitchen essentials - such as efficient knife skills, selecting your equipment and stocking your kitchen with staple ingredients.

Learn the building blocks of delicious stocks and broths, unveil the secret to cream soups and purees, then finish with with five key Foundation sauces.

Learn to prepare salad dressings with ease, saute, blanch, and grill your way to flavorsome vegetables, and cook the perfect rice and pasta - every time!

Discover six classic ways to prepare eggs, then move on to a variety of mouth-watering methods for meat and poultry, including brining, braising and stewing. 

My Take on the DVD's
I have always enjoyed cooking (though I don't always have the time) and this set was interesting to me as it looked so thorough. This DVD set was like having a cooking class right at home. I was amazed at how well the chef present the material and how easy they make it look. For me, I found the techniques easy to follow. The video also did a great job at letting an amateur know what they really need in the kitchen to start cooking like a pro. All of this was included in a four set DVD that covered pretty much all of the main staples that you could cook - from building your kitchen to eggs, meat, poultry and fish. I also loved the cutting techniques. Who would have know there were so many and what a difference the way you cut something can make on a dish. If you're interested in learning to cook, or just want to continue learning more, this set is great, and reasonably priced!

If you are interested in having this set as a part of your own kitchen you can find it on Amazon!

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