
Friday, May 28, 2010

Book Review - Angel on My Handlebars

About the Book 
67 year old beauty queen bicycles across the US to raise money for music scholarship
 She may seem “old” by young people’s standards and even considered “mature” by others, but she isn’t over the hill by any means. And now turning 72, she’s a remarkable model of what a person can aim at and achieve for all of us.

 Patricia Starr, a Santa Barbara, CA and Wahoo, NE trombone teacher, a concert pianist and a former beauty queen, amazed everyone when at the age of 67 she decided to do the unthinkable and bicycle across America to raise money for a music scholarship. This past year, at age 71, she pedaled 1,400 miles to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to represent the State of Nebraska in the Ms. Senior America pageant.

 This beautiful remarkable woman shares her story and experiences in her new book, Angel on My Handlebars.

 In 50 days this untrained woman in short shorts and Hanes Pantyhose rode a bicycle with a fuzzy seat cover 3,622 miles. All odds were certainly against her, and some seasoned cyclists scoffed at what they thought was a frivolous attempt to com­plete this noteworthy journey.

Start in Astoria OregonStart in Astoria Oregon

Many of the days during the ride stretched between 100-120 miles. The excitement swung from angel experiences to heartbreak to excruciating pain.

Riding up the Columbia Gorge

Patricia had to overcome many obstacles along the way – ominous electrical storms, rain, heat, wind, fatigue, hunger, a broken toe, screaming muscles, a nasty crash, panic at be­ing lost and alone, sharing the interstate with 18-wheelers, a bear scare and her follow-up van being stolen.

   Day 15 Jackson Wyoming

 Day 30 Sioux falls, South Dakota

Angel on My Handlebars is an adventure story about the survival of the human spirit. Through this book, Patricia and her husband want to inspire others to never give up. Whatever your dream happens to be, go for it!
 Day 50 Arrival in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

She never gave up. Her strong desire, along with a husband willing to do anything to help his wife succeed and endure the rigors of the road, allowed her to accomplish this feat to raise funds for a music scholarship at Santa Barbara City College.

Angel on My Handlebars
By Patricia Starr

US $19.95
ISBN: 978-0-9795444-8-4
Published December 2009
Published by Summerland Publishing
 Available in bookstores nationwide and online. 
 For more information visit

My Take on the Book 
Persistence, persistence, persistence. This book makes me think of the childrens book Little Train That Could. Patricia is an amazing woman that is an inspiration to anyone. I mean, how many 67 year old individuals would take a 3,622 mile bike journey across the United States, I don't know that I know many, and on top of this, the list of other accomplishments that she has done in her life made me start thinking of my own accomplishments. From being a concert pianist and trombone teacher to winning the Mrs. Senior California and Mrs. Senior Nebraska beauty pageants, she is living her life the way that she wants to and inspiting others as she does.

If you are looking for a book that will inspire you to be and do more with your life, I would encourage you to check out this book. You can find it on Amazon!  

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