
Monday, October 26, 2009

Book Review - Zig Ziglar Embrace the Struggle

"Life is change," writes Zig Ziglar. and in his new book, Zig Ziglar and his daughter Julie Norman tell a new type of story for readers of Mr. Ziglar. Instead of his typical high energy motivation that people have come to expect, he provides true inspiration for all to rise up and persevere through the struggles of daily life.

On March 7, 2007, his life changed completely with one, simple, misplaced step. Some would say it changed for the worse, and by human standards they would be entirely right. But to Zig Ziglar, his fall down the stairs and subsequent vertigo and brain injury means "my life is more inspiring."

After years of speaking and writing about the value of having a positive attitude, Zig Ziglar was forced to take his own advice after this life changing day. As a motivational speaker, Ziglar was challenged to put his words into practice on a personal basis.

As a person who had heard of Zig Ziglar in the past but who had not become a regular reader, I was amazed at the tenacity of this octogenarian. Many people after going thought the challenges that he was going through may have thrown in the towel, and said that enough was enough. Mr. Ziglar instead decided to do what he had always done, step up and try to help others to grow and learn, and this time, much of the material came from experiences that he was living on a daily basis.

Whether it's the loss of a loved one, a battle with addiction or disease, financial troubles, or a physical impairment, Ziglar, along with his friends' contributed heartening stories of their own ordeals, offer hope to anyone faced with a struggle of their own.

In EMBRACE THE STRUGGLE, Ziglar spreads positive thinking and practices.

  • Life takes care of itself to a very large degree, if you accept life on life's terms.
  • If we accept that the past is the past, yesterday ended last night, and today is a brand new-day, we can have an attitude of hope. We can look forward to today with an expectation that it will be better than yesterday.
  • Choose the best attitude in tough situations. If we stay riled up and in turmoil, always questioning "why" and visiting the "if" questions, we relive the pain of our emotions again and again. We get mired in the wallowing hole of self-pity or self-doubt, and our attitude becomes laced with fear, regret, and resentment,
  • Be transparent with yourself. Life is to be lived transparently, excitedly, with eager anticipation of the good things that still lie ahead, in spite of our circumstances.
  • When you have your spiritual life in focus, your family like will thrive; and when your family life is good, your mind is freed up to apply yourself to the work God has called you to. When you live life in that order, the struggles, when they come don't undo your world. There will be no meltdowns when you know who you are and whose you are.
This book is one that truly made me understand the meaning of hope and the meaning of moving on through adversity. As I read this book I was amazed at seeing what one person could do to turn his life around in so many ways and help others to do the same while dealing with his own "baggage." I encourage anyone to read this and learn  how to regain hope within your own life!

ZIG ZIGLAR is a bestselling author with more than three million books in print. He is the president of Zig Ziglar Corporation and has motivated the sales forces of multinational corporations and thousands of individuals. One of the leading stars of the "positive thinking" movement, he is the author of bestsellers See You At the Top, Secrets of Closing the Sale, Success and Self-Image, 5 Steps to Successful Selling, How to Be a Winner, Selling 101, and How to Get What You Want.

JULIE ZIGLAR NORMAN is Zig and Jean Ziglar's third born and youngest daughter. Julie has co-authored Embrace the Struggle with her father, and their dynamic on-stage relationship has inspired more than 100,000 people in audiences all across America. Julia lives in Alvord, Texas, with her husband, Jim, three cats, three dogs, three horses, and one box turtle.

If this book sounds like one that you would be interested in, I encourage you to check it out on Amazon! Come and get inspired and re-energized with hope!

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