
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Book Review & Giveaway - Clutter Clearning Choices: Clear Clutter, Organize Your Home, & Reclaim Your Life

About the Book
Having her services requested by corporate giants such as 3M, Medtronic, Target, and Securian, to name a few, speaks volumes about Barbara Tako, author of Clutter Clearing Choices (O-Books).  Tako is a woman who understands exactly what these major corporations already know - that an unorganized and cluttered worker is rarely as productive as an organized one, adding to the many reasons her services as a guest speaker are in great demand.

Tako was not born ‘tidy,’ in fact she describes herself in earlier years as Oscar in ‘The Odd Couple’ – never cleaning out anything and keeping everything for years ‘just in case.’  It was after witnessing how her organized, ‘Mrs. Clean’ mother-in-law alwa ys had time for her family and friends that encouraged Tako’s metamorphosis into orderly organization, and set her goal of helping each and every one of us to reclaim our lives!

This amazing little book should be on everyone’s list of ‘must haves.’  Clutter Clearing Choices is loaded with ideas, resources, and practical advice to simplify our lives – written with a keen sense of humor, and with emphasis on the added benefit of the ‘feel good factor’ that comes from donating, recycling or re-gifting.

Since we are no longer described as the nation that could ‘feed the world on what it throws away’ due to our weakened economy, this book with all of its motivating ways could not have arrived at a better time.  Visit this entertaining author at .

About the Author
Since 1998, Barbara Tako has been a clutter clearing and home organizing speaker and author. She shares her techniques and humor through her unique blend of infotainment for businesses, parenting groups, church groups, and other organizations in the Midwest.

Barbara has been published numerous times in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, featured in the Pioneer Press, the White Bear Lake Press, and the St. Croix Valley Press, and interviewed on numerous radio shows.

Barbara has worked with six metro Community Education districts in the St. Paul, Minnesota area. She was the simple living columnist for the White Bear Press for several years. In addition, she coordinated a nonprofit simple living group which met monthly in White Bear Lake, Minnesota for several years.

Barbara Tako speaks to women's organizations, church groups, retreat groups, and to employee groups at business wellness seminars and lunch and learn talks.

During seven years in the business world, Barbara handled billing, payroll, and inventory. She was later an underwriter, supervisor, instructor and internal publications writer in the insurance industry. Her graduate studies in industrial/organizational psychology were at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and English are from Luther College, Decorah, IA.

Barbara's satisfied business customers include: Wells Fargo, 3M, Target, Medtronic, Super-Valu, and Securian.

Barbara is also a home manager in the Stillwater, Minnesota area where she seeks to practice what she preaches for her spouse, children, and dogs!

Barbara continues to enjoy speaking to groups who wish to decrease clutter, and improve home organization for a simpler, more focused life.

My Take On The Book
I have never been the most organized person (I allow J-Mom to compliment me in this way). In picking up this book I was interested to see how the author approached the topic. As I read the book you can easily see that she is not setting herself out there to say that she does not have faults or  weakness. Instead she fully admits to her shortcomings and provides quick and easy ways to deal with clutter and help yourself to turn weaknesses that you may have into strengths. 

I like the fact that the author looks at cleanliness in a step-by-step process and not something that has to be done all at once. I think if I was to read a book that said simply suck it up and get it all done, I might not learn as much from the book as I feel I did with this one. Tako uses short chapters to encourage the reader to really explore the topics being discusses and allows for easy re-reading if the need arose. 

There are numerous books out there that look at de-cluttering or simplifying your life but this book takes a different approach than I have seen before, using humor as well as tangible hands-on resources to help the reader learn skills that will last a lifetime.

If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 3 copies to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 6, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 6, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    1. I am a saver and have too much clutter! I'd like some pointers how to declutter.

    2. I am an e-mail subscriber. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    3. Thanks for this giveaway. what a helpful and useful book. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    4. I was just looking around at all our "stuff" today thinking, "Where to start?!" I'd like to read this book and pass it on to a couple of people I know who will remain nameless but could really use some decluttering help as well :)

    5. I would like to be considered for one of the three free books giveaway you are doing this week. I am a 46 y.o. married mother of two sons ages 7 and 10 years old from Illinois. I am endeavoring to clear the clutter out of my basement this year. This has been my "cross to bear" for past 10 years since we moved into this house. We live in a tiny 3 bedroom, one bathroom, raised ranch. My house is close to 50 years old and not designed very well to living in today's world. Basements are unusual in this area so we thought that was a plus. Our living area is about 800 square feet only. Due to tiny living area, when we needed to clean up the clutter, we merely bought it down into the basement, mostly never to look at it or see it again. Doing this over and over, over the years has caused much accumulation of stuff and our basement is unusable as another area for us to occupy and enjoy. We could benefit from cleared out space of the basement for mental health of all family members. I have purchased (not necessarily read) many clearing clutter type books. Problem is it is so overwhelming I become frozen and can't seem to start the clutter clearing momentum. I also work full-time outside the home which leaves me with limited time at night and precious/valuable time on weekends when I need time to clean our tiny living area, shop for groceries and other necessities, bond with my children, who the heck has time or wants to spend time clearing out the cluttered basement? My extended family says, "get a dumpster and throw everything out." So easy for them to say when it is not their stuff, so they have no attachment value to any of the items. I do not believe I have a hoarding problem. Once I hired a professional organizer for 2 hours to help me get started with clearing out all the "stuff." When the organizer lady came over to help me clear a small corner out in the basement, I was able to power through the area no problem and produced 10 large bags for Goodwill and a garbage bag as well full of trash. Yet, I have thought of many varied/additional plans for clearing the clutter as well. Get a portable storage unit delivered here to my home to help move stuff out of the basement so it forces me to go through and get rid of stuff I no longer need or want, but this is costly. I read the description of this book and it seemed to offer hope to me. Being realistic about the timeframe to turn around the basement was what attracted me to the description of the book. I did have a garage sale in 2007 but it barely made a dent in my stuff. I have high chairs down there and my youngest is 7 years old. It has been hard knowing about the clutter, it is draining my relationship with my husband, it is a huge source of embarrassment too. When our only toilet was not working, my plumber came over and needed to look at the pipes in the basement and I was mortified. I had to do some song-and-dance on the situation. Very embarrassing. Lately my tub has stopped draining adequately. Many plunges with a plunger and Drain-O will eventually have to have my very understanding plumber back out to my house to replace very old lock under the tub area (you guessed it, access through the basement) and possible replacement of pipes too in order to clear out the blockage down there. However, my plumber cannot perform the work he needs to do until I clear about 1/3 of an area in my basement out. I think this book could help set me on the right path of clearing the clutter out for good. I would be eternally grateful if you would consider giving me one of the three books you are offering for free this week. Thank you for considering my entry.

    6. I follow U on GFC

    7. Hey Chris Im def interested in this book 2 give 2 my CLUTTERED daughter who just moves to a different start , new

    8. I follow U on GFC

    9. Im a Fan of yours on FB/ Birdie Skolfield

    10. I follow U on Twitter/ Birdson777

    11. I follow with google reader.

      ebeandebe at gmail dot com

    12. Practical solutions...that is what I need.

      ebeandebe at gmail dot com

    13. I need this book because I am overwhelmed with clutter - the house was in my husband's control while I recovered from surgery and I just don't even know where to start!

      carriemschmidt at gmail dot com

    14. I follow with Google Friend

      carriemschmidt at gmail dot com

    15. I subscribe thru Google Reader

      carriemschmidt at gmail dot com

    16. I am a definite saver of things. If I'm not going to use it right away I might need it for something later or I am sure there is something else I can use it for or I might wear it again since it still fits. Those are my favorite "reasonings" for the clutter I have. I will admit I was much worse, but I still need to find some motivation to declutter.

      We recently moved and I moved 4 boxes that I packed 3 years ago from our last move that I never opened --- because they might have something we need. And now I can see where my clutter is starting to reappear since we have almost everything unpacked (except those 4 boxes!)and I really don't want that to happen!!!

    17. Dad of Divas follower via Google

      susan56bft at gmail dot

    18. Dad of Divas email subscriber

      susan56bft at gmail dot com

    19. Dad of Divas fan on Facebook
      userid:Susan Claus

      susan56bft at gmail dot

    20. Dad of Divas added to Technorati Favorites

      susan56bft at gmail dot

    21. I would like to win this book because I am constantly fighting clutter in my house. It would be great to have some strategies to help deal with it.

      nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    22. Faved you on technorati

      nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    23. Follower

      nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    24. subscribe via RSS

      nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    25. email subscriber

      nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    26. Hm hm.. that's amazing but actually i have a hard time figuring it... wonder how others think about this..

    27. The winners of this giveaway was: Jennifer Cumbo, Birdie & Carrie! Congrats! Please email me your contact information within the next 48 hours and I will get your prize out to you!

      Thank you all for being a part of the Dad of Divas community!
