
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Adkins Advantage Shakes

This is not to say that I need to lose weight, far from it, but I was fortunate to try a Adkins product called Adkins Advantage Shakes in both Vanilla and Chocolate. I tend to have a sweet tooth so finding a product that fills me up while at the same time is somewhat nutritious is not really a bad thing.

When I received these free items, I made sure to read the directions and I was glad that I did, as it mentions right on the can that for best results and for best taste, make sure to drink the beverage cold as well as shake it up. For the heck of it I tried one cold and one at a bit warmer temperature and it truly does make a difference to drink it cold (so definitely read directions on this product).

The shakes are smooth and thick, just what you want in a shake, and they do come in a number of varieties. I think the next one that I would be interested in trying would be I tend to like this flavor.

I also have to commend Adkins for putting together a variety of products that do taste good, while still holding a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are good for you. I would have to say that if I was going to go on a diet based on flavor alone the products I have tried in the past from Adkins might sway me there way. Beyond this, regarding the shakes once more... based on flavor and overall nutritious value I would recommend these shakes over going to the local McDonald's or other fast food restaurant. Not only will you save the calories, but in this day and time where gas prices are ever-increasing...I would recommend keeping a few of these in the fridge for easy retrieval and for easing that sweet tooth craving.

Just some Dad of Diva thoughts for the day!

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