
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Book Review - Wrath

About The Book
First in ‘The Deadly Sins Series,’ Wrath (Sterlinghouse Publisher) by Robert Santoro, introduces Jake Chase; derring-do, adrenaline junkie, part of the FBI’s anti-terrorism unit.  Don’t let his boyish good looks fool you - behind the innocent face this man has the fearless heart of a giant and will stop at nothing to crack a case.  On the fast track to success, Jake reports directly to the Deputy Director, his friend and mentor, and has one-on-one conversations with the President of the United States.  The only thing more important to Jake than the FBI is his beautiful wife, Diana, and fitting into her world of wealth, inherited when her corporate raider father was murdered two y ears ago in his palatial Malibu beach home. 

After an attack on Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, the worst since the tragedy of the World Trade Center, everyone assumes it was an act of terrorism – everyone, that is, but Jake Chase.  Hundreds are presumed dead or missing, including several well-known celebrities, and various terrorist groups have claimed responsibility.  So why doesn’t the LAPD have a single lead?  For Jake, the evidence isn’t adding up, but one thing is becoming uncomfortably clear – the more he uncovers, the more he doesn’t like what he’s finding out! 

On a manhunt that takes him from Los Angeles to New York, Dubai and the Cayman Islands, and with time rapidly running out, Agent Jake Chase knows he has to work fast to thwart another attack.  Jake is realizing it doesn’t always pay to be the best at what you do - but what he doesn’t know is how the outcome will implicate high ranking members of the Bureau and could cost him his family, job, and yes, even his life. 

Robert Santoro has been featured on the cover of Publishers Weekly, and his debut novel was premiered at BookExpo America in New York City. 

The author is generously donating fifty percent of net proceeds from book sales to Blythedale Children’s Hospital – .  Please visit this thrilling author’s website at to read an excerpt that is sure to whet your appetite for more. 

Check out Facebook Page: Rob Santoro’s Deadly Sins Series :

My Take On The Book
I am always looking for action packed books that leave you on the edge of your seats and this book does not let down. It was a great read, being both fast paced and intriguing, making me want more. The plot was strong and held numerous twits and turns that left you guessing. With this book being the first of a series, it definitely set a good tone for the others to come.

I will say that you will not be bored and the author does a good job at connecting the reader with the main characters within the book.

With how fast paced and action packed this book was I am expecting that the ones to come will only follow suit, and I would not be surprised if a movie deal gets cut at some time in the future as well.

Overall a great book and one that I would definitely recommend the book as it will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more!

If this book sounds like something you would like to add to your own library please visit Amazon!

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Book Review & Giveaway - Clutter Clearning Choices: Clear Clutter, Organize Your Home, & Reclaim Your Life

About the Book
Having her services requested by corporate giants such as 3M, Medtronic, Target, and Securian, to name a few, speaks volumes about Barbara Tako, author of Clutter Clearing Choices (O-Books).  Tako is a woman who understands exactly what these major corporations already know - that an unorganized and cluttered worker is rarely as productive as an organized one, adding to the many reasons her services as a guest speaker are in great demand.

Tako was not born ‘tidy,’ in fact she describes herself in earlier years as Oscar in ‘The Odd Couple’ – never cleaning out anything and keeping everything for years ‘just in case.’  It was after witnessing how her organized, ‘Mrs. Clean’ mother-in-law alwa ys had time for her family and friends that encouraged Tako’s metamorphosis into orderly organization, and set her goal of helping each and every one of us to reclaim our lives!

This amazing little book should be on everyone’s list of ‘must haves.’  Clutter Clearing Choices is loaded with ideas, resources, and practical advice to simplify our lives – written with a keen sense of humor, and with emphasis on the added benefit of the ‘feel good factor’ that comes from donating, recycling or re-gifting.

Since we are no longer described as the nation that could ‘feed the world on what it throws away’ due to our weakened economy, this book with all of its motivating ways could not have arrived at a better time.  Visit this entertaining author at .

About the Author
Since 1998, Barbara Tako has been a clutter clearing and home organizing speaker and author. She shares her techniques and humor through her unique blend of infotainment for businesses, parenting groups, church groups, and other organizations in the Midwest.

Barbara has been published numerous times in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, featured in the Pioneer Press, the White Bear Lake Press, and the St. Croix Valley Press, and interviewed on numerous radio shows.

Barbara has worked with six metro Community Education districts in the St. Paul, Minnesota area. She was the simple living columnist for the White Bear Press for several years. In addition, she coordinated a nonprofit simple living group which met monthly in White Bear Lake, Minnesota for several years.

Barbara Tako speaks to women's organizations, church groups, retreat groups, and to employee groups at business wellness seminars and lunch and learn talks.

During seven years in the business world, Barbara handled billing, payroll, and inventory. She was later an underwriter, supervisor, instructor and internal publications writer in the insurance industry. Her graduate studies in industrial/organizational psychology were at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and English are from Luther College, Decorah, IA.

Barbara's satisfied business customers include: Wells Fargo, 3M, Target, Medtronic, Super-Valu, and Securian.

Barbara is also a home manager in the Stillwater, Minnesota area where she seeks to practice what she preaches for her spouse, children, and dogs!

Barbara continues to enjoy speaking to groups who wish to decrease clutter, and improve home organization for a simpler, more focused life.

My Take On The Book
I have never been the most organized person (I allow J-Mom to compliment me in this way). In picking up this book I was interested to see how the author approached the topic. As I read the book you can easily see that she is not setting herself out there to say that she does not have faults or  weakness. Instead she fully admits to her shortcomings and provides quick and easy ways to deal with clutter and help yourself to turn weaknesses that you may have into strengths. 

I like the fact that the author looks at cleanliness in a step-by-step process and not something that has to be done all at once. I think if I was to read a book that said simply suck it up and get it all done, I might not learn as much from the book as I feel I did with this one. Tako uses short chapters to encourage the reader to really explore the topics being discusses and allows for easy re-reading if the need arose. 

There are numerous books out there that look at de-cluttering or simplifying your life but this book takes a different approach than I have seen before, using humor as well as tangible hands-on resources to help the reader learn skills that will last a lifetime.

If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 3 copies to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 6, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 6, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    Friday, February 26, 2010

    Book Review & Giveaway - From Beer to Maternity

    About The Book

    Don’t look in the mirror, step on the scale, or say no to chocolate - and other suggestions for growing older gracefully!

    Maggie Lamond Simone always had a witty and sarcastic remark at the ready as she grew up.  Her second grade teacher in fact worried about her being so flippant at such a young age; twenty years later, as a police officer escorted a drunken Simone away from the car she had just wrecked, she asked him to drop her not at home but at the bar where her friends waited. She quit drinking the next day.

    When she finally came up for air, she was afraid that she wouldn’t be funny without the alcohol, but had a startling revelation: she wasn’t funny in the first place—the world was.

    So words became her weapon of choice, and for the next 15 years she worked as a columnist in Syracuse, New York. She has since focused her immense talents and formidable mental skills on her nearly obsessive fascination with coming of age and parenting in America.

    “People in their twenties today are not what they were in the 1960s,” she wisely concludes.  “Today they’re still kids. Back then they were middle-aged. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.”

    Her new book From Beer to Maternity captures the wit and wisdom of her adventurous life as a late-blooming adult, and then wife, and then parent, and through it she shares the intelligent and wonderful insights she’s acquired with the rest of us.

    “Well, really,” she complained to her mother after getting a puppy. “How hard can babies be? They wear diapers. They wake up, you go four feet and change them. You don’t even need slippers, for Pete’s sake.”

    This collection of her columns and essays addresses dating, marriage, pregnancy, motherhood and menopause, all carefully selected and chosen because of the caustic wit and healthy disrespect for perfection – her trademarks - contained therein.

    Maggie offers serious (no, humorous) advice (well, sarcastic commentary) for older people (yes, over the age of 30) who are having trouble with growing up or what it means to age gracefully, or are worried and even confounded by the concept of adulthood in general.

    Her life-changing wisdom hath no bounds. For example, how you can tell when your body is aging along with the rest of you:

    Of course, there are more concrete signs that one's body has, er, "peaked." A friend recently cried with delight, "Look! She has old lady arms just like the rest of us!" This would be a concrete sign. And if I ever wear a sleeveless top again in my life, you may feel free to observe this phenomenon.
    Want more?  Okay.  Happy to oblige. 

    You know your body is fading as fast as your mind when . . .

    -You show pictures of your child to a colleague who says, "Your grandson is beautiful!"

    -Salt and pepper are no longer a spice combination.  They're a hair color.

    -Phrases such as "more of me to love" and "home again, home again, jiggedy jig" pop into your head with frightening regularity.

    -You have used "sensible" and "shoes" in the same sentence.

    -Hot baths are no longer a luxury, unless you consider it a luxury to be able to stand up straight.

    -You wake up one day to find a Reader's Digest on the back of your toilet . . . and read it.

    -10:00 p.m. has gone from "Woohoo! Party time!" to "Woohoo! Bed time!"

    -The "locate handset" button on your telephone beats out the remote in order of importance.

    -Clothes don't have to be fashionable.  They just have to be loose.

    -You no longer ask someone to repeat something so you have more time to come up with a snappy response.  You ask him to repeat it because you didn't hear him.

    Excerpt from Chapter 6, O Heather, Where Art Thou?, From Beer to Maternity

    Accepting our aging is never easy – “The main weapon in the ‘I’m not old just because I remember eight-tracks’ arsenal is perception. ‘Old’ used to mean anyone over 30. When I hit 30, it meant over 60. Now it’s 120. I will accept I’m in the presence of someone old if her father fought in the Civil War” – but if we can laugh our way through it, it could be just a little more fun.

    About The Author

    Maggie has been a columnist in Syracuse New York for the past 15 years.  

    Her columns have won six national awards, including four Gold awards from the PPA (Parenting Publications of America). The first was for an essay about breaking her daughter's leg, “so that's nice,” she says. “It was an accident.” Another was for her column about telling her son that she was a recovering alcoholic so that he didn't start off with the misconception that drunks are bad people; she’s a “very good person” when she’s not blasted. Her first national essay was published in Cosmopolitan, a coup which bought her a Golden Retriever named Decker, who is the subject of her children's book, LOSING DECKER. It is currently floating around in publishing limbo awaiting a publisher. Another, SOPHIE'S SOUNDS, was released in 2007. And TIMMY AND THE TIMEPIECE is floating with Decker somewhere, keeping him company and trying, most likely, to retrieve its shoe.

    Her stories are included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution (2009), P.S. What I Didn't Say (2009), Chicken Soup for the Soul in Menopause (2008), Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul (2007), Misadventures of Moms and Disasters of Dads (2005), and Hello, Goodbye (2004).

    Right now, she’s a mother, and that’s a tough act to follow. 

    My Take On The Book
    I had never red any of the authors' columns and essays before, but I can tell that the author is the type of person that once you meet her you do not forget her. She presents an image of her life that are funny, humorous and sometimes roll-on-the-floor hilarious. I found myself reading and re-reading passages that I found to be overly funny. Some of the stories I could not relate to (such as mothering or menopause) but overall she even describes these foreign things to people so that anyone can relate.

    Overall, the book was a great and fun read. The author's humor will open your eyes to the fun and light-hearted moments in a person's life. You will definitely find yourself laughing along as you read this book.

    If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 2 copies to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 5, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 5, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Book Review - Daddy, Where's your vagina?

    About the Book

    "Daddy, where's your vagina?" is an amusing book that contains everything one needs to know about raising children—from changing diapers, giving them baths, teaching their first words, tying their shoelaces, attending their school plays, to teaching them about life, and so on.
    It is a mix of the author’s stay-at-home-dad stories and tricks of the parenting trade from the perspective of the average guy just trying to get it right.
    “I personally think it is more challenging staying home with kids than it is to work,” Schatz asserts. “Your days consist of diapers, bottles, smells, messes—all the stuff I already covered, but there are some amazing perks.”
    Packed with humor, tips, and insights, "Daddy, where's your vagina?" also includes other topics about being a homemaker—dealing with the monotony of the daily grind, getting over your ego, dealing with miscarriage from a dad’s point of view, and many others.

    About The Author
    Joe Schatz, a stay-at-home dad with over nine years of experience, is the author of Daddy, where’s your vagina?  His inspiration to write has always been the unique experiences he’s had raising three beautiful daughters into school aged children.  With the encouragement and support of his wife Jodi, Joe created and authored—a website where he could share his stay-at-home dad trials and tribulations with the world.  Gaining notice, Joe created and now also writes for the as the National Fatherhood Examiner.  When Joe isn’t patching boo-boos or whipping up mac and cheese, he is active in his community as a coach and volunteer.

    My Take On The Book
    I have know of and worked with Joe over the past year and a half or so, so when he stated that he was having a book published, I was quite excited to see what it had in store for all of us. Joe is a very funny writer, and you can see it not only in this book, but also through his witty and downright hilarious (at times) blogging as well.

    The book itself was a great resource for fathers, whether you are a new or seasoned dad, you will definitely find something of interest within the book.The book is easily written and from the heart. Joe does not mince words, instead he simply goes to the point and does not mince words (which is what you will find on his blog as well.

    As a father I have to say that I loved the stories that Joe shares in this book. While I am not a Stay-at-home-dad, I can relate to some of the situations that he shares. Also, in reading the book itself it makes you think about your own stories and situations that could be shared as well for the same section of the book (though I don't think I could share it in such a funny way).

    Even though the book was humorous, it also had good resources and information within it. The book acts as a step-by-step guide for the newer stay-at-home-dad, but I also think that others would take ideas form this book as well (I know that I did - and the laughs alone are worth the read).

    Overall, this book was a great read, and the writing was similar to what I would have expected after reading many of Joe's blog posts in the past. You will really enjoy this book whether you are a stay-at-home-parent or if you work, it is a great addition to any parents' library!

    If this book sounds like something that you want for your own library, you can order a copy from Xlibris or Amazon!

    All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Terms of Use  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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    Book Review & Giveaway - Mystic Cool

    About the Book

    Stress Elimination Expert Don Goewey is the author of the new book, Mystic Cool, already topping the charts.  Goewey (Say Go EEE) believes, "Rewiring your brain can have you experience less stress and generate creative brilliance."  

    Don Goewey has worked for more than three decades helping people reach their potential, including war refugees, prisoners, patients with life-threatening illness, business leaders, and others in high-stress occupations.  His new book, Mystic Cool, provides a proven approach to transcending stress and unlocking creative potential.  To learn more, visit his Web site:  
    Goewey is featured in this month's Outside Magazine, where a journalist was commissioned to undergo six coaching sessions with him and report on the results. "Three weeks into my effort," the journalist reports in the article, "I'd become … much better at maintaining a calm, pragmatic mind-set.  In my new calmer state, I'm much more productive."  The journalist describes how, in particular, Goewey's "clear button" technique gave her a stress off switch.

    "The chief factor blocking the brain's capacity to generate brilliance is stress.  A dynamically peaceful attitude lights up neural networks that generate a fearless intelligence, making us immune to stress.  The result is the joy of creative action in which we not only excel, but excel in ways that make work and life intrinsically rewarding.  Who wouldn't want a brain like that?  It's achievable and in a relatively short period of time," Goewey says.

    Mystic Cool combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical spiritual insights.  The book represents more than just "stress reduction."  It is a stress solution that unlocks the brain power needed to excel in ways that make work rewarding and family life fulfilling.

    About the Author
    Don Joseph Goewey has worked in some of the most stressful places on Earth - from cancer wards to refugee camps to corporate offices – helping people transcend stress and fear to reach a higher potential. He co-founded a human performance firm, ProAttitude, to end stress in the workplace. His new book, Mystic Cool defines a proven approach (featured in Outside Magazine January 2010) that literally rewires the brain to extinguish stress reactions and light up higher brain networks to sustain peak performance and greater well-being. 
    Don Joseph Goewey's career in human potential spans more than three decades and includes collaborations with Carl Rogers, PhD, the founder of humanistic psychology, and Gerald Jampolsky, MD, founder of attitudinal healing. Goewey served as an executive at Stanford University Medical School and was executive director of the International Center for Attitudinal Healing, recognized worldwide for its approach to human crisis. His interest in the ability of the brain to overcome stress was sparked two decades ago when he experienced a series of personal crises. He lost his job, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and saw his marriage fall apart, all within 10 days. Then he experienced a defining moment that left him free from stress and the damage it was doing in his life. Over the years, Goewey has worked with war refugees, prisoners, patients with life-threatening illness, business leaders and others in high-stress occupations. In 2006, he co-founded ProAttitude, a human performance firm dedicated to ending stress in the workplace. His new book, Mystic Cool, combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical spiritual insights on how to reduce stress and unlock creative potential.

    My Take On The Book
    I am always looking for books that will encourage the teams that I work with to achieve more and this book does just that. The book allows people to face change within their life and push for the highest performance possible. This book does more than just help someone survive challenges, but instead it helps them learn, grow and blossom into the amazing people that they can become.

    The book is easy to understand and offers the reader a treasure trove of tips, resources and techniques that will help you sift through the day-to-day minutia and focus on what is really important within your life.

    The book is not going to change you overnight, but if you work at it and do the exercises that the author presents opens your eyes to what your life can be if you just focus and work hard. In trying the exercises myself, they do work, but as I mentioned they take time and practice. I know that I have a ways to go but I know that the book does provide me with the resources that will allow me to be successful in the end.

    If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 1 copy to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 3, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 3, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

  • All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Terms of Use  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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    Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Book Review & Giveaway - The Adventures of Footenbarn - Hot Seat

    About The Book
    The Adventures of Footenbarn – Hot Seat (Paper Press Books), written and created by award-winning feature film producer Shahrook Oomer and award-winning television producer Jeff Gibson, has been a hit so far with parents and kids for the Holidays and is stirring the imagination of children everywhere.  Hot Seat is the first in a series of five books (also being developed into an animated television series), about a world of 'lost' socks and other missing garments. Set in Sockramento, the authors, drawing from their experiences in film and television, have created one of the most hilarious and original children's books of the decade. Spoofing pop-culture and mixing comedy and adventure, it's a ride-of-a-lifetime read for parents and children alike.

    Meet Footenbarn, a ten year-old mischievous but lovable sock, and his four best friends who have all disappeared through a worm hole in the spin cycle of the dryer, and who come to life in Sockramento, where the top TV show is "Socks and the City" and the New York Sock Exchange is a bustling financial hub.  Buses look like sneakers, apartment buildings are actually chest of drawers, washing machines are office buildings, while high rise buildings reach t o the sky in the form of boots.

    Hot Seat follows the comical duel between Footenbarn and Smackberry - a giant ball of lint, as they first battle in the old west town of Sockwood (a spoof of the old Spaghetti Western), and then continue their battle across Mrs. Pigsnockle’s 4th grade English class in order to sit next to the ‘new sock in school’ - only to learn that sometimes the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the classroom!

    No two socks are alike in Sockramento (as we know from experience, only one sock of a pair ever goes missing); they come in all sizes, shapes and ethnicities and are totally mismatched! This is a one-of-a-kind world that's been 'socking' in parents and kids alike.

    About The Author

    Writer, producer, and recipient of several top awards, Shahrook Oomer began his career in radio and went on to write and produce broadcast television for FOX Cable Networks and eventually producing feature films in Hollywood. In addition to working with numerous A-list stars, his films have been released by studios and networks such as Sony, Columbia/Tri-Star, Lions Gate, Warner Bros., Sci-Fi Channel and Showtime, among others.  Writer and producer Jeff Gibson is the recipient of over thirteen major broadcast awards for his writing and producing work, including multiple Emmy Awards, Katie Awards, Telly Awards and Associated Press Awards.  For more information on the book, please visit: .

    My Take On The Book

    As a person who loved reading comics as a child, I was excited to see what the authors had come up with for their storyline. The humorously takes a look at the phenomena was the case of the disappearing sock during the laundry. I know that I, for one, have lost at least one sock over a monthly time-period I had a smile on my face throughout this book. The authors created characters based on articles of clothing. I loved the fact that the title character was a sock and his nemesis is a ball of lint.

    The authors use everyday companies (transformed) which make the book fun and relative. Thus, the book talks about the "New York Sock Exchange", a computer company called "Microsock", a quiz over the Greek philosopher "Sockrates" and an update of his "Sockbook" page.There are many other gags and pun lines that will keep adult and child alike guessing and laughing.

    Overall, this book had a ton of laughs and my daughters liked listening to it (though Diva-PJ) did not understand the concepts.I definitely recommend the book to those looking for a change to the everyday and a fun look at an alternative society.

    If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 1 copy to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 3, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 3, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    Book Review & Giveaway - U.N.I.Q.U.E. Kids: Growing My Leadership Garden

    About The Book
    “Be the change you want to see in the world” is one of the most well-known leadership quotes in history. Considering children will lead the world in another two decades, Gandhi’s words carry significant weight for parents, grandparents and educators responsible for fostering the desired change. Debra Slover, grandmother and founder of Leadership Garden Enterprises, LLC, takes this responsibility seriously, providing educational tools for parents and grandparents including the children’s book, U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden.

    Written as a classic fable, U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden is an illustrated book that empowers children, steers them toward positive patterning, and shows them how to plant and nurture the seeds of good leadership while ridding their metaphorical gardens of the "weeds" (negative qualities that can harm children's self-esteem).

    The main character, a sheep named Hugh, suffers from low self-esteem, stemming from an environment where he was often criticized and never appreciated. When he stumbles into Leadership Farm, where a more open and loving way of being is the norm, he learns from human farm staffers as well as other animals how to develop his own leadership qualities and how to tend his own Leadership Garden.

    The acronym U.N.I.Q.U.E. stands for Understanding, Nurturing, Inventive, Quality, Unstoppable, Expression. One letter at a time, Slover walks children through harnessing the six qualities together to form a "Leadership Garden Legacy" based on mutual respect, cooperation, teamwork, and other values.

    The book is designed as a learning aid with the active participation of adults who can read the book with a child and reinforce the concepts. Grandparents particularly enjoy using the book as a way to take an active role in developing their grandchildren's leadership potential.

    “Time spent developing a child’s leadership is priceless in both time and money,” says Slover. “It’s an investment that pays great dividends, now and in the future.”

    About The Author
    Debra Slover established Leadership Garden Services (formerly Synergy in Motion) in 2003 out of a commitment and passion to empower the unstoppable leader in each of us.
    Photo: Debra SloverLittle did her parents know that they sealed the fate of the child they raised and named Debra - a name that stands for "bee" - as the pollinator of the world's Leadership Garden.

    When Debra was 23, she lost her mother to suicide. Transcending her loss, she applied her passion, creativity, and quest to thrive to her vision of empowering leadership greatness.

    In 2006, Debra formed Leader Garden Press, and wrote U.N.I.Q.U.E.: Growing the Leader Within to articulate her passion and commitment to empower true leadership with a unique purpose and aim.

    An outgrowth of this effort was the formation of Leadership Garden Enterprises, LLC as the parent company of her two business entities. Debra's ultimate dream was to provide funding, support, and recognition of leadership greatness efforts where working cooperatively makes a positive difference locally and globally.

    In 2008, Debra achieved her dream and established the Leadership Garden Fund. She now spends her time pollinating Leadership Gardens.

    She is the proud mother and grandmother of five children and five grandchildren. Her greatest joy in life is nurturing her blended family Leadership Garden.

    Debra lives in Albany, Oregon with her husband, Terry, and dog Mooko.


    Debra earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Education from Oregon State University in 1975 and has spent more than 32 years working with youth and adults in developing leadership capacity, both at the state and national level.

    She has an extensive background in custom program design, tailored curriculum development, small and large group facilitation, and leadership coaching. Debra is highly skilled in event planning having implemented over 20 youth-led statewide conferences, two national conferences, and over 39 youth/adult leadership camps.

    Her experience includes 20 years as Director of Oregon Student Safety On the Move (OSSOM), a statewide youth leadership program promoting safe and healthy communities operated out of Oregon State University, and seven years teaching in public schools.

    Throughout these years, Debra has been a presenter at numerous national, statewide and local conferences, meetings, and seminars and served two terms as President of the National Association of Teen Institutes and eight years on the Board of Directors. She has been a member, as well as chair, of numerous statewide and local committees focusing on safety and health concerns. She served one term as the Chair of the Oregon Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking and several years of the board.

    My Take On The Book

    I read this book to my five year old and I didn't know if she would comprehend the concepts listed within it or not, but I was surprised that she did enjoy it and I have to say that I also enjoyed the message itself that it shared with the reader.Being a fairy tale, the author has woven a tale that children will connect with and which will leave a lasting impression in their mind. She explains that the child's mind has great potential and she parallels it with that of a leadership garden. With the idea of the mind being a garden, it must be cultivated so that the child can find the leader that is within him/herself.

    I know that Diva-J probably did not understand everything as Slover states that the leadership concepts are explained with a vocabulary appropriate for ages 8 to 12. As Slover states, "It is an ideal book to be read aloud and discussed over eight sessions at home, in school or in youth groups."

    The book itself uses great imagery to push the reader's imagination. The book works to tap into the innate ability within a child. The book is not a quick fix and change, as always, takes time and effort, but the author is working to empower the reader to truly hone their inner leader and with this, their garden grows and flourishes.

    If this books sounds like one that you would like to add to your own collection, you can find it over at Amazon!

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 1 copy to a lucky reader! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 3, 2010.

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    This contest will run until March 3, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Book Review & Giveaway - The Power of Acknowledgment

    About the Book
    Picture this: you are sitting at your desk, disgruntled, frustrated, tired, perhaps you were yelled at during the staff meeting. Let’s face it, today is just not your day. Suddenly, an email pops up, brightening and uplifting your mood. It is a love letter from your partner – the person you thought was the least likely to write such a note. How would you react?

    Judith W. Umlas experienced the mood altering power of acknowledgment first hand when she was having a down day at work. After hearing about her day, Judith’s husband, Bob Umlas, a Microsoft Excel “geek” and guru emailed his wife a heartfelt love letter, detailing and acknowledging every positive aspect of her personality, actions, and looks. When asked where these acknowledgments had come from, as she had never heard most of them before, he confessed rather sheepishly that he has always thought these kinds of things but just did not bother to “get them from his brain to his mouth.” Once convinced of the authenticity of these acknowledgments, Judith was so thrilled with them that almost as a joke, she suggested that he write these kinds of communications about twice a week, since he obviously needed the practice! The result? For the past four years, Judith has been receiving love letters from Bob every Monday and Thursday via email. Both husband and wife are clear that these acknowledgments have positively transformed their relationship.

    Bob’s loving acknowledgments encouraged Judith W. Umlas to write The Power of Acknowledgment (IIL Publishing, New York), a compact book that illustrates the tremendous power everyone has to dramatically improve relationships - the simple act of acknowledgment.

    When asked why she wrote this powerful little book, Judith said “To repair the world by improving relationships in every aspect of living. I have seen ‘the power of acknowledgment’ at work and throughout all parts of my life, because it is something that comes easily to me. I have also witnessed how many people can’t, don’t, or won’t do it – or don’t do it enough. Once they grasp the positive results it can produce, they can’t help but try it out and then immediately see the benefits: enhanced work productivity, better relationships and even improved health.”

    About the Author
    Umlas has been a senior executive at International Institute for Learning (IIL) for the past 19 years, and was a producer/writer for CBS before that. As Senior Vice President, Learning Innovations at IIL, former Publisher of a newsletter for 50,000 project managers around the globe, and trainer of more than 10,000 people worldwide on the power of acknowledgment, she is seen as a master communicator. Her skills and poignant powers of observation led her to develop the seven clear, concise principles for acknowledging others in all walks of life. These skills, when exercised are guaranteed to make immediate and profound changes in the way readers interact with others. Reports of the instant effects on readers and those around them have poured in professionally and personally. To see such stories, visit Judith’s blog, For reader praise and positive results log onto:

    My Take On The Book
    Reading this book, I am reminded about the importance of recognizing those around me for the things that they do to make the world or the workplace a better place to be within

    The book itself is a very quick read, and one can get through it in a few hours (or less depending on how fast you read). I found myself thinking over and over about the times where I might have acknowledged someone and instead kept it inside. The author encourages all of us to look within ourselves to vocalize our appreciation to others and I hope that I can start to do this more frequently.

    This book is one that you definitely will want to read more than once, and each time you do, I am sure you will gain more from the reading. It will give you resources to help you improve your personal and business relationships.

    If this book sounds like something that you are interested in, you can find it over at

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 3 copies to lucky readers! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 2, 2010.

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    Make sure you comment separately for each task after the required entry task so you will get credit for each one ~ and leave your e-mail where you can be contacted.

    This contest will run until March 2, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.

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    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Book Review & Giveaway - Chicken Soup for the Soul: NASCAR

    About the Book
    NASCAR and Chicken Soup for the Soul join forces, with well-known NASCAR columnist Cathy Elliott leading the charge. NASCAR drivers, their families, and teams slow down enough to share their stories of family, fortitude, and fast cars. Readers will get a behind-the-scenes look at the action on and off the track. Famous drivers and those closest to them, pit crews, families, and fans all share their stories of perseverance, triumph, comebacks, and life. Fans will get a front row view, and be inspired, surprised, and sometimes amused by these exclusive, up close stories from the track, pit, and the road.

    Thus, this book allows you to get behind the driver's seat with these personal tales and anecdotes from inside the race track. Famous drivers and their families, pit crews, and fans share their stories of perseverance, triumph, comebacks, and life on and off the track.
    Includes stories by the following NASCAR drivers:
    Aric Almirola
    Buddy Baker
    Kurt Busch
    Kerry Earnhardt
    Jimmie Johnson
    Bobby Labonte
    Joey Logano
    Casey Mears
    Ryan Newman
    Mike Skinner
    Scott Speed
    Tony Stewart
    Martin Truex Jr.
    Brian Vickers
    Darrell Waltrip
    Michael Waltrip
    NASCAR CEO Brian France
    Former NBA player and now NASCAR broadcaster: Brad Dougherty
    Lt. Governor of South Carolina Andre Bauer

    With many more to come, including more of the biggest names in the NASCAR world.

    Purpose of the Books
    After 15 years of bringing real people and their stories together to touch the lives of others, Chicken Soup for the Soul® has gone beyond the bookstore to become a world leader in life improvement. Chicken Soup for the Soul is home to the largest catalog of user-generated, life-changing stories. Through books, movies, DVDs, online resources and other partnerships it brings hope, courage, inspiration and love to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Chicken Soup for the Soul authors and readers belong to a one-of-a-kind global community that shares advice, support, guidance, comfort, and knowledge.

    About the Company
    Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, publishes all the latest titles in the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series which are distributed through Simon and Schuster, Inc. Since 1993, books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series have sold more than 112 million copies, with titles translated into more than 40 languages. Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing also licenses the right to use its famous trademark to high quality licensees through IMG, the world’s premier licensing agent. The company is currently implementing a plan to expand into all media, is working with TV networks on several TV shows and is developing a major Internet presence dedicated to life improvement, emotional support and inspiration. In 2007, USA Today named Chicken Soup for the Soul one of the five most memorable and impactful books in the last quarter century. For more information visit:

    Facts About The Reach of The Books
    • Total retail sales of Chicken Soup for the Soul branded merchandise have topped $1.3 billion.
    • The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series of over 200 titles has sold over 112 million copies, with titles translated into more than 40 languages.
    • In 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul became the best-selling trade paperback series in the history of publishing.
    • Chicken Soup for the Soul is one of the world’s most well-known brands-- 88.7% of the US public not only recognizes the Chicken Soup for the Soul brand, but knows what it is (source—Harris Polls).
    • Chicken Soup for the Soul holds the world record for having the most titles on the New York Times bestseller list at one time.
    • Chicken Soup for the Soul receives millions of monthly media impressions, with cross-promotion relationships in place with top media brands like King Features, Woman’s World, BeliefNet and others.
    • Many of the world’s leading consumer brands have looked to Chicken Soup for the Soul for co-branding opportunities, including American Idol®, Coke®, NASCAR®, Marriott®, Campbell’s®, Arby’s®, Golf Digest® and others.
    • Time Magazine called the Chicken Soup for the Soul series the “Publishing phenomenon of the decade.”
    • In 2007, USA Today named Chicken Soup for the Soul one of the five most memorable and impactful books in the last quarter century.
    • In 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul and dick clark productions entered into an agreement to develop a television series based on the brand.
    My Take On The Book
    As a part of the award winning Chicken Soup for the Soul books, this book does a great job at continuing the tradition of great motivational and inspiring stories that readers have come to expect within these books.

    While I am not a huge NASCAR fan, I have watched my share of races and can see the passion that true fans of the sport (I even know some people who are such fans). This book provides an inner glimpse at the lives and experiences of some of the large names in NASCAR and would be a great addition to any fan's library.

    This book is filled with stories that will inspire you and allow you to see the true heart of a fan and of a NASCAR driver.

    If this book sounds like something that you are interested in, you can find it over at Amazon!

    How would you like to win a copy of this book? I will be giving away 3 copies to lucky readers! All you need to do is let me know why you would have an interest in this book to be considered. The contest will run for one week and will end on March 1, 2010.

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    Make sure you comment separately for each task after the required entry task so you will get credit for each one ~ and leave your e-mail where you can be contacted.

    This contest will run until March 1, 2010 at approximately 11:59 pm Eastern.

    Winner must be a resident of the U.S or Canada.

    Winners are chosen at random, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!

    Winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
  • All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Terms of Use  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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